Welcome to my Digital Baby Book - Dedicated to Jillian, Weston and Georgia.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Typical Day

I want to make sure I remember what my typical day was like with two little ones, so here it goes:

7:30 am - Weston starts to coo & talk, so I hop in the shower
8:00 am - Jillian wakes up.  After a diaper change for both Jillian and Weston, I get them dressed for the day.  Weston goes on the activity mat and Jillian watches cartoons.
8:30 am - I get ready (quick make up routine and throw my hair in a bun). I get coffee, clean up the house, kitchen, let the dog out, and get Jillian water and breakfast. I find time to play one on one with Jillian.
9:30/10 am - We head out.  We leave the house almost every single day. The usual places: play date with Barby at the kiddie pool/splash pad, Pretend City, park play date with the Mom group, play date at Lisa's house, story time at the library, shopping/play gym at the Mission Viejo Mall are just a few.
1:00 pm - We are home.  If we haven't eaten lunch out, we make lunch, and then we get ready for nap time.
1:30 pm - nap for Jillian after we read for a little bit.
2:00 pm - if Weston is still up, I am able to give him some one on one time and play with him. Usually Weston and I will take this time to nap together on the couch. Sometimes we both fall asleep and other times I just watch TV or play on my iPAD until both kiddos are up.
4:30 pm - Everyone is awake from their nap time. Jillian eats her snack while watching cartoons and I use this time to clean up, do laundry, check email, get dinner ready, etc.
6:00 pm - Dad comes home!  We tag team dinner while the other one plays with kids.  Usually we are outside playing with the water table, helping water the garden. Or Jillian is playing alone with toys, coloring, doing play-doh or dollhouse.
6:30/7:00 pm - dinner and kitchen clean up
7:30 pm - bath time for both kids (Weston is every other night)
8:00 pm - Books and bedtime for Jillian, Weston is in the swing or activity mat playing a bit more
9:00 pm - Weston gets ready for bed: sleep sack, get our room ready for him (lights off, blinds shut).  I usually get into PJ's, brush my teeth, wash my face and get ready for bed too, so I won't disturb him later.
9:30 pm - last nursing session for Weston, I let him fall asleep in my arms and then take him back to the co-sleeper.  Tim and I will finish a TV show or cleaning up.  Sometimes I prep for the next days outting (i.e. packing snacks, stocking the diaper bag, etc)
10:00 pm - Bedtime for me

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