Welcome to my Digital Baby Book - Dedicated to Jillian, Weston and Georgia.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Being Pregnant for the 3RD Time

Once again, when it's not your first, pregnancy just flies by.  This past year was by far one of the most craziest, busiest years as a family, so there were times we barely paid attention to my growing belly. I didn't document the pregnancy like I did with the other two, and barely took any pictures, but I want to jot down all the memorable things from this pregnancy here so I don't forget.

1) I got extra testing done right off the bat with this one because I was considered high risk due to my age. So at 12 weeks, we had two major tests.  One was for down syndrome and the other was a genetic markers screening which looked at over 100 genetic diseases to see if I was a carrier of any of them. Down Syndrome test came back negative, and at that point, our doctor told us the news that we were having a girl. The other test gave us a huge scare. Turns out, I was a carrier of a genetic disorder called XXXX.  We immediately got a call from my OB telling us that Tim needed to come in right away to get tested.  We waited on pins and needles for 2 1/2 weeks before we found out that Tim was NOT a carrier.  This meant our daughter and other two older kids were safe from this type of  disease that could threaten their life.  It was a horrific two weeks of tears, long conversations preparing, and sleepless nights.  MORE ON THIS LATER....

2) I had a LOT more ultrasounds - thanks to my high risk status I was getting ultrasounds all the time.  So I got to visit our little lady via monitor a lot!

3) At 20 weeks they said I had marginal placenta previa. This is where.......  They weren't concerned but wanted to recheck me at 28 weeks to make sure it had moved up. It did!

4) I switched my OB doctor and hospital choice at 30-32 weeks. This was not only stressful, but I was sad to leave Dr. Raffo who had been my OB for over 10 years.  I am still not 100% satisfied with the care in our new town, but the drive to Orange County posed too many logistical hoops to jump through, plus delivering in Orange County was almost out of the question....just because of the drive to get there and not knowing when I would naturally go into labor.

5) Major symptoms this pregnancy - no morning sickness, but lots of food aversions.  Carbs are my best friend, and veggies and fruit can hit the road.  I want nothing to do with them or chicken.  I could live off cereal, waffles, sandwiches, Mexican food and a good ol fashioned cheeseburger.  I will say this definitely not my healthiest pregnancy, but I am now 39 weeks and have gained 37 pounds.With Jillian I gained 35 pounds and with Weston I gained 38 pounds, so I feel pretty happy with that number.

6) Being pregnant in the summer is the worst.  While most of my clothes have actually been non maternity clothes this time around, I am overheating all the time.  It's not fun to be outside. I start sweating and getting really uncomfortable. Currently its October 9th and the temperature today will be around 100. Basically I am reapplying the deodorant a few times a day, and looking for any excuse to stay inside.

7) This adorable baby moves A LOT maybe more than the other two.

8) Weston and Jillian both kiss the belly, talk to the baby, get excited when it moves, and are OVER THE MOON excited about her arrival.

9) This is major TMI, but for two months between 24-32 weeks (ish) I had constant diarrhea.  It was miserable and there were times I wasn't even sure I could leave the house in fear of having a bathroom emergency.  I think it was a bacteria infection, but truthfully, it dictated my life for those two months. It was horrible.

10) Heartburn is terrible this time around, but I am sticking to the glass of milk solution when it pops up and at night I will pop a tums or two.

11) Bladder - this baby is basically sitting on my bladder and has been since the early weeks....At my 20 week ultrasound the tech asked me if I was using the bathroom a lot to pee and I said, yes, why??  She then laughed and said that the baby's head was using my bladder as a pillow.  No joke, I am up 4-8 times a night to pee, and it's been this way almost the entire pregnancy.

12) No stretch marks! Woohoo!!

13) My belly is round and beautiful. Just like with Jillian I am carrying round and in front and my skin has never been more clear.  I do find moments where I admire my body, and acknowledge the beauty in pregnancy.  I feel like super woman, embracing the bump and still managing my two little ones.

I have barely taken any pictures, so this time around we decided to get professional pictures done.  I didn't do this with the previous two, but I also haven't documented any of this pregnancy, so I feel that evens it out a bit!  I am so happy with how they turned out. I posted a few of these pictures below and also some other ones I have taken with my iPhone.

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