These two kiddos of mine. I love them so much.
Bringing home Georgia was a huge adjustment for our family and they nailed it! Both are doing so great in their role as big sister and brother. The love they show Georgia on a daily basis makes my heart explode.
As I write this, both kids are watching a movie during our quiet time and eating popcorn. I felt it was neccessary to give an update on all the funny things they are doing, learning and share a bit of their personality so I can look back and remember it.
Our daily routine is so important. Jillian is in preschool 3 times a week, so getting out of the house takes some organization. I also feel both my little ones function better when they know how the day is going to go. I feel like it gives everyone some relief to know what each day is like. On school days we get dressed and brush teeth before we even go downstairs. This way we get the business out of the way before other distractions start. We eat breakfast and head to school.
After school follows lunch, quiet time, free play, dinner prep, bath, brush teeth, books and bed.
Screen time is limited to 1-2 shows in the morning, and our afternoon movie. On occasion we get additional screen time on our leap pads or iPAD.
Weston (aka Bubbies or bubs) and Jillian (AKA Gigi) play so well together. They have such a special friendship. Yes, there is fighting daily, but oh my gosh they really love each other. On many mornings when we wake up, Weston will say I love you Gigi and give her a kiss or two. And Jillian shows her affections by helping Weston get dressed or helping him find a toy. She engages him with play and almost all the activities they do include each other. Crafts, coloring, play dough are always done with each other. The main two sources of fighting come from: using a toy the other one wants, or "bugging each other." For example if Jillian is playing barbie dolls and Weston tries to take her barbie RV just because, we call that "buggin." We usually divert attention with Weston and with Jillian I tell her to play somewhere that Weston can't bug, If it still persists,they get a time out.
Things I want to remember:
*He kisses and hugs all the time - very sensitive, very sweet, and very stubborn.
*He loves TRUCKS
*He's very coordinated, and takes a tiny tots gym class
*Is almost swimming on his own, loves the water
*Potty trained before 2 1/2 years old, but still wears a diaper at night
*No naps
*Super cuddly
*Horrible eater still, but loves his milk, waffles, eggs, pasta, bread and all chips and sweets of course!
*Loves to help cook
*Favorite color is blue
*Plays really well with other friends and is very social
*counts to 20 and knows all of his letters and ABC
*Has a hard time saying his "S's"
*Loves his bunny blue,sleeps with it every night
*Has the cutest way of talking and is SOOOOO funny to listen to him sing. He likes to yell sing!
*Super independent, social, smart, and VERY loveable
*Has her first crush on a boy in school named Lincoln
*Still sleeps with blankie at night
*Eats like a champ, isn't afraid to try anything new, but has her favorites.
*Still loves salads and tons of fruit
*Counts really high, knows all her letters, and is learning the sounds
*WILL not every let me dress her or do her hair
*Only likes her hair in a pony tail or down
*Still does not dress weather appropriate - dresses in winter and long sleeves and leggings in summer. Totally backwards. And takes of her shoes any chance she can get.
*Loves barbies, dress up, puzzles, coloring
*Changes her clothes up to 5x a day
*Rides her bike with training wheels
*Still goes to dance class weekly but we added in gymnastics!
*I predict she will be more athletic than into dance, but we will see. She's got rythem and is super coordinated when it comes to sports
*Wants to snuggle with mom all the time!
*Is full on swimming
*Doesn't like donuts! What the heck??!!
One thing I am sure I will never forget but need to jot down is our sleeping situation. It does change every now and then but far more than anything, we co-sleep as a family. As in Weston, Jillian and I are all in my room at bedtime. Georgia is in the co-sleeper, and Tim is downstairs in the guest room or on the couch. Some days its not ideal, more so for me and Tim getting our alone time. But for me, it's just easier to get everyone into one bed. one location. and then lay with them until they fall asleep. Both Jillian and Wes are at an age where they just want to sleep with us. Even if they fall asleep in their own beds, at some point they will come into our bed at night. I like it most of the time, I get extra cuddles with both kids and I feel safe knowing we are all in one place. But I have guilt for Tim sleeping alone. We make time for each other in the evening, but I do miss sleeping with him. People judge, I am sure, but we are all getting sleep and everyone is happy.
Both these kids of ours are funny. Weston has a natural talent for just being hysterical, almost without saying anything. His facial expressions alone are spot on with expressions and he's one of those kids that won't have to try hard to make people laugh. He just is that funny. Jillian is funny too, but her strengths are in her energy and independence. She's brave, she confident in who she is. She is a born leader.
Funny things both kids tend to say a lot or have said:
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