Welcome to my Digital Baby Book - Dedicated to Jillian, Weston and Georgia.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 2015 - Quick Update

Life is really busy. I haven't had an update on the kiddos in while so lets get to this.

Jillian -

- We had a tea party themed 4th birthday. I let her invite 4 friends: Ellora, Ava, Riley and Haley. We had a face painter, balloon twister, crafts and some fancy tea time.
- You started school in September and also were invited to be on the company dance team called Rubber Duckies!
- You LOVE dress up.  All day every day.  And Frozen.  That pretty much sums it up!
- You can write your own name, you know your birthday, your street, your city, and best of all is you think you know EVERYTHING because "you are 4." Everything is "Because mom, I am 4."
- You sleep in our bed every night. Daddy got the boot to the couch (more on that later).
- When you are mad at Weston you say "Mom, can we throw him away?"
- When you are mad at me you say "Mom, I don't love you anymore"
- When you are needy you say "Mom, I just want to be with you" This means hold me or just snuggle me.
- You are such a great listener - truly. I never have to discipline you.  We reason and talk things out.  It works.
- You pick out your clothes every day. Mostly dresses and always long sleeves.  You are SO picky about what itches your skin and you STILL don't understand how to dress appropriately for the right weather.  Rain and cold does not mean sandals and tank top dresses.
- You rarely let me do your hair and brushing tangles out, forget about it. It's like torture.
- Amazing eater - you try it all, and eat SO healthy.  Like when we go out to dinner you will order a salad! Who are you??!!
- You love to dance, you bust moves all the time and your new favorite color is now pink. So long purple.
- Milo is still your favorite pet
- You are the BEST big sister - you play really well with Weston and you love to include him.

- You really like the word NO now.
- When you hear music (and are in the mood) you start to dance by moving your head.
- You even have a dance move called Sumo Legs....yep, Sumo Legs.
- You run, like full on run.  It's amazing to see how determined you always are.
- You are also picky when it comes to clothes. If you could, you'd be naked.  You resist the diaper, you can't stand pants, and you will only put on a shirt if it's Thomas the train or Disney's Cars.
- You talk ALL the time and repeat everything we say.
- When you get riled up and want to play with Jillian you go over to hear and start giving her little hits. Nothing agressive, just your way of physically telling her, come on lets wrestle or something!
- You haven't exactly gotten the hang of hide and seek yet (although you try)
- Singing and dancing, those things are your jam!
- Still a huge momma's boy and that thing called sleep is getting better.
- Nursing: yep, we call it "nee-nee" and you ask for it now.  Sometimes I can say no, but you are still heavily dependent on it.
- You aren't so much of a good listener....yet.  You throw tantrums, but we divert your attention when it happens.
- You call grandpa Bill "Bopa"

Life in General:
- We spent Christmas in Arizona with family and had an amazing time.
- You guys rocked the road trips to Arizona and to AG to to see Grandma and Bopa!
- Jillian went ice-skating with Grandma Marcia (first time and did awesome). As a special treat, Queen Elsa was there too!
- Went to disneyland with Lisa and Ava for a girls day.
- Got some family pictures done

And now for some pictures!